Stacking skills is utilizing and combining the skills acquired during life. It makes each of my skills and competences more useful together. You don´t have to be the best at every skill, it´s enough to know how to use them. In the article this skill stacking concept has helped Scott adams, who tells her own perspective on the matter.
I think this is a good way to think. Especially since there are many people who feel that they are not good enough to succeed in one thing. Then you can think more broadly about the many skills that go well and develop a common unique competence from them. It´s good to use all the skills you can. Your good skills can be customer service, organization, information technology, etc. The list just goes on…
The article made me think about my own skills and if I could use them like him. I still don´t know if I could use this in practice. The good part would be that you wouldn´t have to spend many hours on just one intrest and skill, but you could expand and use many skills at the same time.
My own skills that come to mind are: calm customer service, good at creative and artistic things, good conversationalist/listener, sharp designer, good party organizer, good at giving people gifts (I can give necessary and meaningful gifts), pretty good photographer, doing nail services, good dancer etc… I do see the potential for skill stacking in these skills, but how to implement it would need more thought on the subject. However, I don´t do that now, because I currently have a few skills in my life that I want to improve separetly. I also see it this way that creative fields and doing things with your hands usually require long hours of practice and mastery, and that´s why they are perhaps bad choices for stacking skills if you don´t already know them very well.
Maybe in the future, little by little, the skills will combine and have the same effect as when stacking skills. The only way that skill stacking is already visible in my life is when I have combined my customer service skills, my nail technician skills and my photography skills, and maybe in the future I will learn how to make instructional videos. It already has many skills combined.