Skill stacking

Skill stacking is a bunch of fields of expertise you will collect throughout life. You don’t have to be expert in any of collected skills. Thats the idea of skill stacking. 

I recognize that I have multiple skills that I’m okay whit but in any of those I’m not perfect. That is something what makes me special. Some may think I’m just average person but many people who I know are not able to do the exact same thing than I can. For example I know a bit of fixing cars, knitting, creativity, computer skills, I drive forklift etc. I’m willing to learn any new skills that are required or just curious for me. In addition I have the state of mind in any situation that I want and Often when I don’t know how to do something I’m more than curious to find out how to do it. Particularly if it comes to a practical skills. I either look information on the internet or ask for someone who knows better than I do. My interests are somehow connected to each other so that strengthen everything I have learnt and will learn. That is also the fact that makes my skills more valuable. They are not just a pieces of here and there. They are variety set of skills that make me individual. 

Multiple skills make me extraordinary. When thinking what am I worth and are some of my skills useful for society I have noticed that my skills are worthy. Prove of it is that there are people who want me to work for them. My personality added to my skills are the kind of combination that makes me wanted. Language and social skills are enormous advance wherever you go. 

I have noticed that people value the fact that person has some kind of average knowledge of multiple skills rather than being expert on one thing. By combining all the learnt skills, your skills become more valuable than you can even realize. 

I have gotten plenty benefits out of my skills and I think if I carry on staying curious and ready to learn and try new skills there will be even more companies and people who want me to work for them.  

By continuing skill stacking I can make a career out of my unique skills. Or at least use them advance when looking for a job.